Yinfeng 3D Wire Bending Machine Operating System Alarm&Treatment

June 20 2024

Alarm No.Alarm Info rmati onTreatme nt Method
010ESPThe ESP in put alarm occurs when the system is abno rmal; it is better to release the ESP after eliminating the fault.
020Y axis servo alarmCheck the Y axis drive fault, restart the servo drive after elim in at ing.
021Z axis servo alarmCheck the Z axis drive fault, restart the servo drive after elim in at ing.
022A axis servo alarmCheck the A axis drive fault, restart the servo drive after elim in at ing.
023B axis servo alarmCheck the B axis drive fault, restart the servo drive after elim in at ing.
024C axis servo alarmCheck the C axis drive fault, restart the servo drive after elim in at ing.
025X axis servo alarmCheck the X axis drive fault, restart the servo drive after elim in at ing.
026U axis servo alarmCheck the U axis drive fault, restart the servo drive after elim in at ing.
031Program errorNo content of program, compile the program
032Out of range of the dataCheck the data range
033Loop error, li ne nu mber in correct nessIn correct cycle line nu mber, confirm it: The end line should be more tha n the start line, and the cycle comma nd line can not be located betwee n the start line and end one.
034Excessive       loops, in correct timesIn correct cycle times, it is better to modify it.
035Fail to set the probe detection    command before NGFail to use the probe detection command before the probe NC command, it is better to alter it.
036NG comma nd only can be used once.Do not repeatedly used the probe NC comma nd, it is better to modify it.
040Yield reachedIt is better to clear the processed yield or set the process amount.
042Wiring alarmIt is better to restart it after removing the fault of wire holder.
042Disc onn ecti on alarmIt is better to restart it after eliminating the fault.
043Wire-deviati on alarmIt is better to restart it after eliminating the fault.
047Excessively high speedIt is better to set the variable velocity to accelerate due to the excessively high speed
051Zeroing the Z axisPerform the Z axis zero-retur n, if does not, check whether the decelerati on sig nal of A axis is correctly conn ected.
052Zeroing the A axisPerform the A axis zero-retur n, if does not, check whether the decelerati on sig nal of A axis is correctly conn ected.
053Zeroing the B axisPerform the B axis zero-return, if does not, check whether the decelerati on sig nal of B axis is correctly conn ected.
054Zeroing the C axisPerform the C axis zero-return, if does not, check whether the decelerati on sig nal of C axis is correctly conn ected.
055Zeroing the X axisPerform the X axis zero-return, if does not, check whether the decelerati on sig nal of X axis is correctly conn ected.
056Zeroing the U axisPerform the U axis zero-return, if does not, check whether the decelerati on sig nal of U axis is correctly conn ected.
080Fail to touch the probeCheck whether the position of the probe is correct or conn ected.
081Always touch the probeAdjust the positi on of probe
082Shut down due to the poor producti onAdjust the positi on of the probe after the alarm is removed by the ESP butt on.

Common Fault & Troubleshooting

S/NFaultTroubleshoot ing
1“Axis drive alarm” appears after the system is tur ned on.Check whether the drive display is no rmal. Check whether the wiring of the drive is connected.
2“Disc onn ecti on stop” appears after the system is turned on.Check whether the wire material is used up, if does, adjust the wire holder or the switch of wire material exhausted on the machine; Check whether the alarm indicator of wire-break on the IO board is ON.
3In correct origi n positi on after zeroingThe approach switch can not be no rmally run, move the axis and inspect whether the approach switch is ON or always ON. Excessively high for the zero return speed. Abno rmal con tact face of in ductive screw
4Fail to perform the air cyli nderCheck whether the relay on IO board has sucking sound; Check whether there is 24V on the IO board; Check whether the air cyli nder can be run.
5Insen sitive probeThe selected probe is incon siste nt with the programmed one; IO board is un fixed with the machi ne's conn ect ing cable.
6Great dime nsion variati on ofIn adequate cooperate of servo betwee n cam shaft and